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We have several groups and fun faith-based activities to help you connect and develop meaningful relationships with other members, and our community, while enhancing your relationship with God.

Womens Connect Group Flyer-Winter 2024.png

Women's Small Group

Our first session for 2024 is here! Our winter session will start on Thursday; February 1 at 6:30pm via Zoom. Our topic for this session is Studying God’s Word-How to Study the Bible with both our Hearts and our Minds. Registration is required. Click HERE to RSVP.


Women's Retreat

One of the highlights of the year for all the women is our annual Women's Retreat. During the retreat, the women have the opportunity to escape from the daily cares of life and retreat into the quiet presence of God. If you desire to experience the mighty move of God and the power of corporate prayer, you don't want to miss this life-changing event. You will not leave the way you came!


Check back for more information about the next Women's Retreat.


Men's Retreat

The men look forward to this time to get away from their daily routine to enjoy engaging worship, great food & fellowship, all while growing closer in brotherhood and stronger in Christ.


Check back for more information about the next Men's Retreat.


Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a fun-filled week of learning about God's great love for us all. VBS provides sound, relevant Bible study that allows participants to experience and respond to the Gospel message in ways that are appropriate for them. It is also a time for crafts, games, music, skits, contests, and more. Vacation Bible School is usually held during the Summer.


Check back for more information about the next VBS event.

Fellowship Events

Throughout the year we come together in small and large group settings for fellowship breakfast, fellowship lunch, and other events and outings. We invite you to bring your family and friends to these events so they can also experience fun, faith, and fellowship with the family of RSCC.


Check back for more information about the next fellowship event.

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